Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Style Council: Confidence

Throughout this blog you are going to hear a lot of "this is a must have" or "every closet needs one of these" or "how can you live life with out this?" I am going to totally mean these phrases when I say them, but there is one thing that EVERYONE needs, one thing that makes the rest useless if you don't have it.


As cheesy as it sounds, I am dead serious. If you are unwilling to take risks because you are uncomfortable, then it is time to focus on confidence, not fashion. Confidence is number one. Sometimes, confidence can come through fashion by understanding how your wardrobe works for you. All of my advice is here to make you feel good about yourself. I don't dress up for other people, I dress up for myself.

Of course people have insecurities, and that is okay. We will work around them and make you feel more comfortable about yourself with time.

So, confidence is key. You know, not like your apartment key, but like your building managers key. It is the key that opens every door.

1 comment:

  1. I have a blog just like this! Check it out. Best of luck.


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